Monday, December 29, 2008


The year began with an auspicious number
The Economy projecting nothing but escalating growth.
The Intergrated Resort rolling full steam ahead
Snaking queues as properties are quickly snapped up
Every graduate's aspiration: private Banker
Pinnacle of the Year: The Beijing Olympics
Then someone spilt the milk
Overnight the Medals are forgotten as children fell sick one by one
Before Asian could wiped clear the shelves of Melamine,
Many found, their investments have been wiped clean too.
Wallstreet crumbles in the weight of too many fast and loose fund hedgers
It's December, the outlook, bleak, Unemployment, retrenchment and factory closure.
Amazing all these in just less than 12 months.


mercuri2000 said...

God of prosperity took an emergency leave and a sudden 180 degree turn.. :P

stay-at-home mum said...

Yes, you never know what to expect around the next corner!

Yan said...

Allow me to add -

I don't understand the reasons why, but I accept God's hand in what has happened.

Let's have the quiet confidence that God is in control, without the need to understand why He does what He does.

Have a Happy and Healthy New year.

[SK] said...

auspicious or miraculous or ridiculous?? hehe :p

doc said...

i agree with Yan. we place too much hope on the earthly treasures,which decays & where thieves break in to plunder.

& where your treasure lies, there dwells your heart.