Eldest son, sole bread winner, in the teaching vocation with 4 strapping sons of school going age. Daughter, two children living in the states with her american husband, while youngest son, a father of two with a working wife. He at 76 has retired for the past 6 years. As husband&wife are approaching 80s, he has made a decision to sell of his home for 25 years, to a smaller abode. With uncertain economy outlook & high cost of living, more and more elderly parents really have to depend on their wits and not the children to see them through the twilight years. Living to a ripe old age is indeed a blessing if one is self-sufficient without burdening the children. For this gentleman, it pains him to see his children/grandchildren compromising for their sake. In these modern times, it's the joy of parenthood, the main want of offsprings.
i think you are talking about monetary dependancy. there is a thin line between the meaning of compromising and sharing. maybe we, as the youngs one should let our parents know that compromising and sacrificing is not a bad things. It is good for character buildings and lessons to the younger ones.
It is getting increasingly difficult to live your golden years in Singapore. Too expensive, too small, too crowded.
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