Green kitchen
Some new homes these days come without, if you so choose. After all if it's just reheating, there is really no need for a kitchen. However, here in our home, it's a place I spent the most time in. Cooking, learning, chatting and listening. Equipped with bookshelves, sound machines and most recently the laptop. In earthly colours of rustic green with woody brown trimming on country cream counter upon terracotta flooring tiles. Some days eldest would sit in the corner studying. Today, is no book day for her. Spent the morning in the cooking lab making cookies with youngest. With last paper on thursday, this must be the longest month.
yes, its a good de-stresser for her to take a break and make cookies. Dont worry, almost over!! And I am sure she will do well. The kitchen is also one of the best loved places in my home!!
Co-incidentally, my daughter also baked some cookies on her non-exam days! How "study mind" thinks alike!
Thank you for your encouragement. As eldest's exam comes to an end, yours will be receiving her results!!! I know she'll get into the school of her choice. Fingers crossed!
Not chocolate cookies too?
Yes, yes, chocolate cookies!
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