Best way to enjoy the LightUp @ Orchard is to start from Plaza Singapura. Stroll pass the Istana and while enjoying the sights and lights, A huge blue LED facade of Orchard Central looms through the street decorations. The latest shopping & eating experience. Past the bright display and, another mall appear. 313@Somerset , the mall above the somerset Mrt. More shopping and eating adventure. Not to be out done, Meritus Mandarin 100m down the road, has gone through massive facade make over. Pass Takashimaya shopping centre's street decoration, Wisma Atria and onto the most talked about ION Mall. A 1.6km of lights and sights and good exercise!
Chance upon this book while browsing the library bookselves. Actually it's the title. Kneadless. Making bread without kneading. How was that possible? After reading thoroughly through the chemistry and science behind this method , it was action time. 24 hours later, two delicious, moist and chewy ham mozzarella pizza for lunch. The diners must be hungry for the pizza was gone before I could get a shot of it. This method was 1st featured in 2006. Not aware till now. Will be experimenting with the healthier bread recipe.
It's not what you are endowed with matters, but how you make the most of your endowment.
Even when taking the escalator, start walking. On the right of course. According to TTSH doctors, walking up two flight of stairs not only burn more calories than a stroll in the park it but Also lengthen the live expectancy by 5.5 seconds. With flights of stairs at every nook & cranny, it's a good reason to pump up the cardio and live longer. Wonder if the effectiveness is the same on going up and coming down. Personally I would prefer coming down 10 storeys than going up.