Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Back home, back to nature. Join in the harvesting of jambu air in the garden. The fruit of Mum's dilligence in watering and feeding while dad's patience in wrapping all the buds. Hiding the fruit from the unrelenting insects. Ultimately it's the bats acute sense of smell that never fails to pick out the ripe fruits.


Chen said...

are u still in Penang?
or back to Singapore?

rose apple is one of my favourite :)

KopiSoh said...

Unfortunately I am allergic to this delicious mouthwatering fruit, sigh.

iml said...

Your favourite? Should have told me earlier, would definately invite you over to take a bite straight from the tree!! Organically(mum's version, everything from boiled fish bones to guts) grown No pesticide used.

Allergic? To fruits? Hmm.... this is new to me.

HappySurfer said...

Now, more memories are flooding back. We used to pluck them with very long poles because the trees would be so full of ants.

iml said...

You know the branches make good catapults!